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❓ASK What is the significance of engagement (likes, comments) for Facebook SEO?




Likes and comments are super important for Facebook SEO. They tell the algorithms that a piece of content is interesting and valuable to users. Posts with more engagement are likely to show up more in users' feeds and might get higher visibility in search results.

Likes show that users like the content, and comments mean there are active discussions happening. Having more engagement boosts a Facebook page's overall popularity and how much value it seems to have, which can positively affect its search engine rankings.

When audiences are engaged, they're more likely to keep seeing content from the page, creating a cycle of continuous interaction. Comments, especially, add user-generated content, making the page more relevant and possibly adding extra keywords that help with search visibility.
Engagements like comment and likes are important for SEO on Facebook. When these activities happen on a Facebook content at a high rate, that content is easily displayed on News feed of related users. That increases visibility of the content.
Engagement, like likes and comments on Facebook, is like a thumbs-up from your audience. When people interact with your posts, it signals to Facebook that your content is interesting and valuable. This can boost your visibility in people's feeds because the platform thinks others might also enjoy what you share. It's like a popularity vote – the more engagement, the higher the chances of Facebook showing your posts to a broader audience. So, when your friends and followers hit that like button or leave a comment, it's not just a pat on the back – it's helping your content get noticed by more people.
More of them can surely boost your content which will allow you to shine properly in the market and that is always it is always much necessary for the people to make sure that they are able to handle things and can handle them properly with needs of theirs that why they can have much benefits towards their business .
When contents have high number or likes and comments, the algorithm ensures that such contents are easily shown on the feeds of friends and friends of friends on Facebook because it portrays usefulness to the users who liked and engaged with it. The algorithm would rank it higher to make more people benefit from such contents.

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