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❕NEWS Ethereum whales accumulate ahead of Shanghai upgrade, but struggles to keep pace with Bitcoin



Large Ethereum investors are accumulating ETH as the Shanghai upgrade approaches. The upgrade aims to make Ethereum more accessible and scalable, and the token unlock event post-upgrade has been highly anticipated. Both large and retail wallet addresses have been consistently adding ETH to their balance in the last seven days, and the Total Value Locked in the ETH2 deposit contract has hit an all-time high. Despite this bullish thesis, some influencers and analysts on Twitter have noted that Ethereum is still struggling to keep up with Bitcoin's performance.
Arbitrum's relationship to Ethereum and its ability to conduct cost-effective transactions on the Ethereum blockchain in a more timely manner caused a spike in the price of ETH tokens this morning.
This may increase the value of ETH and there's also a possibility that after the upgrade, there would be a massive amount of sell orders. Aside that, i think the Shanghai project is a great innovation which may give crypto space in Asia more awareness
This may increase the value of ETH and there's also a possibility that after the upgrade, there would be a massive amount of sell orders. Aside that, i think the Shanghai project is a great innovation which may give crypto space in Asia more awareness
As always happens "buy the rumor and sell the news" right now they accumulate ETH for when the update arrives people enter FOMO and raise the price and the whales sell all the profits and lower the price, that's what happens with all the updates , the whales know the game, the retailers are the ones that fail time and time again.
As always happens "buy the rumor and sell the news" right now they accumulate ETH for when the update arrives people enter FOMO and raise the price and the whales sell all the profits and lower the price, that's what happens with all the updates , the whales know the game, the retailers are the ones that fail time and time again.
Exactly. They control the market. I too believe that the whales would dump on the retailers and the petty holders as they take advantage of this innovation. It may be possible to use this to your advantage by risking a short position after it is implemented
Exactly. They control the market. I too believe that the whales would dump on the retailers and the petty holders as they take advantage of this innovation. It may be possible to use this to your advantage by risking a short position after it is implemented
If you look at the same thing happened with the update of ETH to 2.0 that rose to $ 2000 and after plummeting and with cardano the same thing has happened with all the updates, whales are whales not only because they have money but because they know how to earn it, and it is clear that they will continue to do it because they know how to get the retailer's money since it always acts the same.

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