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☑️NEW Get at least €10 to €20 and up to 1 BTC from Robinhood for trading €10 of crypto. (EU only)


Silver Member
Apr 29, 2021
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`Follow the steps below to complete this easy offer and cash out up to 1 BTC.`


1. Register your **email address** using my [link](https://join.robinhood.com/eu_crypto/mikolas-96f82d/).
2. Download the **mobile app** from either Google Play or Apple Store and **enter the same email address** you've just registered with.
3. Do the quick KYC, which requires ID + selfie.
4. Deposit some EUR and trade at least **€10** of crypto.
5. Your account will be instantly credited with up to **1 BTC**. 98% of signees receive between **€10** \- **€20**, 2% more, up to **1 BTC**.
6. You can sell the value of your BTC reward for EUR after 30 days from the date it was granted and withdraw at no cost. Availability is limited and subject to change.

`You can also cash out even more money by inviting your friends!`

Referral link click https://join.robinhood.com/eu_crypto/mikolas-96f82d/

Terms & Conditions click [here](https://robinhood.com/eu/en/support/articles/sign-up-and-referral-terms-and-conditions/).

Any other questions, DM me and I'll get back to you soon.

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