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❓ASK Permanent Implementation of Flexi-Week by Awin and ShareASale After Successful Trial. What do you think?



The Awin Group has moved all staff to a flexible workweek indefinitely after an 18-month trial of their global Flexi-Week pilot. Employees can take one day off per week or split the fifth day, working three full days and two half days. Business performance has improved, with gross profit growing by 13% annually and regrettable employee turnover decreasing by 33%. Employee feedback has been positive, with 94% reporting improved work-life balance and 92% reporting improved productivity and well-being.
After a successful 18-month trial, Awin and ShareASale have officially implemented the Flexi-Week policy, allowing employees to work a four day workweek. This is a great move for both companies, as it allows their employees to have more flexibility and to enjoy a better work-life balance.
Affiliate marketing has advanced thanks to Awin and ShareASale's decision to permanently deploy the flexi-week model after a successful trial. Using this arrangement, workers can complete their needed hours across four days rather than five, providing them a weekly three-day weekend. This methodology has been demonstrated to enhance worker satisfaction and work-life balance, which may raise output, engagement, and retention. Also, by making this choice, the affiliate marketing sector as a whole will be inspired to follow suit and think about creating flexible work schedules that put their employees' wellbeing first.
Popular affiliate marketing networks like Awin and ShareASale link advertisers and publishers (affiliates) to promote goods and services. A trial period known as "Flexi-Week" gave affiliates the option to select any seven consecutive days from a month to receive a greater commission rate for their sales.
I had no knowledge about flexi period usually companiew have offers on festivals where they allow you to earn upto 25% more depending upon the status of your account in the network and actually you can make things count for you in the long run indeed actually .
The adoption of a flexi-week is growing in popularity among businesses everywhere since it gives employees more independence and a healthier balance between work and life. This measure may increase employee happiness and involvement as well as help recruit and keep top talent. It will be fascinating to watch whether other businesses use this strategy in the future.

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