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❓ASK At how much growth in your business would you be willing to sell it ?



There are many people who like to change their niche and business options regularly they mostly launch a business and if it is success they mostly sell it at any good offer that they can find for their businessetup and they look to move forward to operating a new business.

Many people do so and it is personal choice of anyone in. a buisness if you would do sp at what percentage of growth would you be doing it ?
It's a personal decision to make, I'll say bout 50% growth and if i can get a reasonable offer then i can let go of it and startup something else,though it's a hard choice to make if one is making progress and getting money on a daily basis.
There are many people who like to change their niche and business options regularly they mostly launch a business and if it is success they mostly sell it at any good offer that they can find for their businessetup and they look to move forward to operating a new business.

Many people do so and it is personal choice of anyone in. a buisness if you would do sp at what percentage of growth would you be doing it ?
Some people are actually into the business of flipping, what I mean by that is simply, grow a business from scratch, develop it into a certain profitable level and sell it off, thereby making huge profits off the business, but to me I can only sell a business when I foresee that I have gained a whole lot from it, let's say from $50 million.
Some people are actually into the business of flipping, what I mean by that is simply, grow a business from scratch, develop it into a certain profitable level and sell it off, thereby making huge profits off the business, but to me I can only sell a business when I foresee that I have gained a whole lot from it, let's say from $50 million.
Selling a business lies in the decision of the owner. Most people specializes in such businesses and they take a huge amount of money. It could actually cost less to build a business from scratch but the profit they make at long run is really massive and good. People would be willing to sell off their business if the right prize could be negotiated. Some would gladly sell at $50m..
The decision to sell a business is complex and depends on various factors beyond just growth metrics. Generally, businesses are often considered more valuable when they demonstrate consistent profitability, strong market position, and scalability. Growth alone may not be the sole determinant; other factors such as market conditions, personal goals, and potential buyer interest also play crucial roles in deciding when to sell a business.
The decision to sell a business depends on various factors such as market conditions, personal goals, and potential offers. Generally, businesses may consider selling if they achieve substantial growth or when strategic opportunities arise that align with their objectives.
The decision of any business owner to sell off his business could be attributed to several factors. Some of them could include lose of passion for the business. And when the business is running into bankruptcy it might make the business owner to sell off such business. Unconducive environment can also make any business to be sold..

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