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Closed Uii.io Reviews: SCAM or LEGIT?

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Mar 18, 2019
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Paying by Paypal, PAYONEER, BITCOIN.

Package Description / Country | Earnings per 1000 Views

  • 8$ : United States , Netherlands , Norway , Germany , Denmark , Sweden , Switzerland , Canada , Australia , United Kingdom
  • 5$ and 4$ : Spain , Singapore , Malaysia
  • 3$ for All Countries

    Maximum payment time 4 day , but i request 1 day - i got paid
    Paypal ( min 5$ ) - Bitcoin ( min 25$ ) - Payoneer ( min 50$ )


    Payment proof :

I was working with uii.io like 6 months ago. Suddenly I noticed my views are not being counted.
I emailed the admin about it, he replied you should not work with uii.io but you can use short.pe

I mean he just disabled monetization on my account. I could work like 2 weeks and wouldn't notice.
@BMF @BMF Staff sir as you see above many users already scammed so this post must marked scamm not doubtfull as this case is pure scamm case , waiting your update !

Don't be freak. calm down. be nice. didn't you know he is using Adsense? You want to mess up with Adsense?
Years with uii.io and today "return" my payment and the money returned does not appear. Did uii.io become a scam?
I have written to them, it's a shame.
Years with uii.io and today "return" my payment and the money returned does not appear. Did uii.io become a scam?
I have written to them, it's a shame.
the money from your earning or your referrals? if it's referrals , maybe he banned them and returned your payment. same thing happened to me with other shorteners.
I've been monetizing the same blog for years and no problems, overnight this happens. If I get a response fine, if not I will share my experience here and more sites.
oh yeah, some $$ not returned to my balance, i lost around $2. i think he don't pay for DIRECT traffics , proxy, etc... prob this cause loss of funds bcos this site always counts more than 100%,

im gonna email the owner about it and update here

oh yeah, some $$ not returned to my balance, i lost around $2. i think he don't pay for DIRECT traffics , proxy, etc... prob this cause loss of funds bcos this site always counts more than 100%,

im gonna email the owner about it and update here

View attachment 180213
Discount more than half. It asks for my data on the origin of the traffic and analytics of my site and it still cannot show with numbers how much traffic is proxy or direct. My traffic is organic
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